Wednesday, 8 January 2020
New Research Programme at ZMO: Thinking through Translocal Entanglements: Perspectives from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
On 1 January 2020, ZMO started a new research programme. The programme's intention is to investigate historical and present socio-economical dynamics and cultural developments from the 16th century to the present from the perspective of Muslim regions and societies. It is envisaged to last five years with a probable second phase.
ZMO's researchers are now working in these four Research Units: "Age and Generation", "Environment and Justice", "Representations of the Past" and "Contested Religion".
13 January 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
Farmers’ Cooperation in Water Management in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Lecture by Dr. Nodir Djanibekov (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies, Halle) as part of the lecture series “Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality: A Debate Unfolding”
The reforms in Central Asian agriculture after the fall of the Soviet state have not generated much desired grassroots movements and organizations which would enable collective action within the new agrarian class of individual farmers. Water management has shifted attention to technical issues about ensuring irrigation water supply to the large number of water users and maintaining irrigation infrastructure. Institutional factors have been pointed to have a crucial role in triggering cooperation among water users. This study looks at individual’s decisions to cooperate in water management in two contrasting environments of post-Soviet governmentality, namely in irrigated areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ...
23 January 2020, 6 pm, Institute of Islamic Studies, Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin
Karlstraße 10. In Search for Muslims throughout Interwar Europe
Film Screening and Q&A with Prof. Amr Ryad (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Introduction: Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)
How were the lives of Muslims in interwar Europe? Karlstraße 10 starts in an online telephone directory searching for an Arab family name in nowadays Germany to end up in telling many stories about Muslims throughout interwar Europe. An Arab-Ottoman officer Zeki Kiram takes on a life journey with an amputated leg in interwar Berlin after he was injured in Sinai during WWI. This moving portrait of a defeated Arab officer in interwar Berlin takes you back in time almost a century ago giving an exciting visualization of life stories of Arabs and Muslims who lived in that crucial time of Europe. Amazing are their encounters with European inter-war ideologies. Karlstraße 10 is an enduring tale of love, politics and arms deals through the lens of unique Arab family archives in Europe ...
30 January 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
Arts, humanities, and social science knowledge making: Thoughts on research on, for, with, in, and of Africa
Lecture by Saleem Badat (Mellon Research Fellow, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal) as part of the ZMO Colloquium "Thinking and Re-Thinking the World in the Decolonial Era: Thinkers and Theorizing from the Global South"
Unequal social relations powerfully affect who produces knowledge, whose and what knowledges are valued, privileged, and subordinated, in what languages knowledge is produced, who has voice, who publishes and what is published. They shape the knowledge orientations and agendas of universities in the north and the global south, impinge on notions of quality and standards, and on a host of other matters related to knowledge making, sharing, and dissemination. Interest on the part of universities in other parts of the world in undertaking arts, humanities, and social science research on Africa is to be welcomed. The critical question is: What is the purpose for undertaking research on Africa?...
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter*in/ Doktorand*in (m/w/div.)
Das Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF) sucht ab dem 01.03.2020 in Kooperation mit dem Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) sowie dem Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) eine/n Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter*in/Doktorand*in (m/w/div.) zur Bearbeitung des von der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft geförderten Forschungsprojektes „Die Demokratie-Entwicklung in der Türkei in transnationaler Perspektive“.
Bewerbungsschluss: 22.01.2020
Annegret Roelcke
Pre-AKP Urban Rehabilitation Projects for Istanbul’s Eyüp Quarter: Contextualising the Narrative of 1994 as Point of Rupture.
In: J. Chovanec, G. Cloeters, O. Inal, C. Joppien, U. Woźniak (eds):Türkeiforschung im Deutschsprachigen Raum. Umbrüche, Krisen und Widerstände. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, pp. 207-229.
Nils Riecken
Heterotemporality, the Islamic Tradition, and the Political: Laroui's Concept of the Antimony of History
In: History & Theory, Volume 58, Issue 4, Special Issue: Islamic Pasts: Histories, Concepts, Interventions, 2019, pp. 132-153.
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